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【每日一文】 双语:赤水河——“美酒河” Chishui River —— River of Fine Liquor

【 发布日期:2025-03-06】【 点击数:1 】

The Chishui River originates from the northern part of the Wumeng Mountains in Yunnan province, meandering for 436 kilometers before flowing into the Yangtze River. Due to its unique ecological environment, the river is often referred to as the "River of Fine Liquor".


1province  /ˈprɒv.ɪns/ n. 省份;一级行政区;知识(或兴趣、职责)范围;领域(专升本词汇)

例句:He was born in the China's northwest Shanxi province in 1950.


2flow /fləʊ/ v./n. (尤指液体、气体或电)流动; 持续抵达;持续供应(或生产)(专升本词汇)

例句:Many short rivers flow into the Pacific Ocean.


3unique /juːˈniːk/ adj. 独一无二的;与众不同的;唯一的;独特的罕见的(专升本词汇)

例句:Everyone's fingerprints are unique.


The riverbanks of Chishui are lined with steep, rugged mountains, and Maotai Town is located in a valley at the junction of these mountain ranges. The area's distinctive geographic features ensure an average annual temperature above 18 degrees Celsius and humidity levels between 70 and 75 percent, creating an ideal environment for microorganisms.


4line /laɪn/  v. 沿形成行(或列、排); n. 线;线条;行,排,列(专升本词汇)

例句:Thousands of people lined the streets to watch the presidential procession pass by.


5ensure /ɪnˈʃɔːr/ v. 确保;保证(专升本词汇)

例句:The airline is taking steps to ensure safety on its aircraft.


6annual /ˈæn.ju.əl/ adj. 一年一度的;每年的;一年的(专升本词汇)

例句:Companies publish annual reports to inform the public about the previous year's activities.


7ideal  /aɪˈdɪəl/ adj. 完美的,理想的;n. 理想标准极高的原则(或行为准则)(专升本词汇)

例句:In an ideal world no one would go hungry.


The water of the Chishui River is slightly sweet, refreshing, and balanced in acidity and alkalinity, while the soil along its banks is mainly yellow. The locally grown red sorghum is fine-grained, highly glutinous, and resistant to boiling, making it well-suited to endure the intricate brewing process of "nine rounds of steaming, eight rounds of fermentation, and seven rounds of distillation". This complex process is the foundation of Moutai liquor's smooth and delicate flavor.


8complex /ˈkɒm.pleks/ adj. 由许多相关的不同部分组成的构造复杂的费解的;错综复杂的n. 综合大楼;建筑群(专升本词汇)

例句:The company has a complex organizational structure.


9foundation  /faʊnˈdeɪ.ʃən/ n. 基础;根据;地基,房基;创建; 建立;基金会 (专升本词汇)

例句:All theories should be built on a foundation of factual knowledge.


10smooth  /smuːð/ adj. 光滑的,平滑的,细腻的;顺利的,流畅的(专升本词汇)

例句:This custard is deliciously smooth and creamy.


11delicate /ˈdel.ɪ.kət/ adj.柔和的;轻柔的;清淡的;精细的,精密的;脆弱的;娇嫩的(专升本词汇)

例句:The wine has a dry delicate flavour.


As the largest liquor producer in the Chishui River basin, Moutai considering ecological protection as an important part of its corporate social responsibility. Moutai donates 50 million yuan ($6.86 million) annually to the Chishui River Ecological Protection Fund. Its total investment exceeds 400 million yuan and supports projects such as ecological restoration, reforestation, and water resource conservation, promoting comprehensive ecological protection across the Chishui River.


12donate /dəʊˈneɪt/ v. 捐赠,捐助;献(血);捐献(器官)(专升本词汇)

例句:He donated thousands of pounds to charity.


13conservation /ˌkɒn.səˈveɪ.ʃən/ n. (对动植物、自然地区、历史建筑等的)保护; (对自然资源等的)保护,保存,节约(专升本词汇)

例句:An alternative approach to encouraging the conservation of endangered natural ecosystems would involve making direct payments for conservation.


14promote /prəˈməʊt/ v. 促进;促销,推销;推广;提升,晋升(专升本词汇)

例句:Greenpeace works to promote awareness of the dangers that threaten our planet today.
