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【每日一文】 双语:“属蛇的人或许属猫”?古代壁画“十二生肖”有猫无蛇冲上热搜,专家回应

【 发布日期:2025-01-15】【 点击数:1 】

A video titled "Ancient Chinese Mural Zodiac: ‘Cat Instead of Snake'?" sparked widespread discussion among netizens at the start of 2025.


1、 title /ˈtaɪ.təl/ v. 给(图书、电影、戏剧、歌曲或艺术品)起名(专升本词汇)

例句:He titled his autobiography "Beneath the Underdog".

他给自传起名为《连弱势方都不如》。—— 《剑桥英语辞典》

2、 widespread /ˌwaɪdˈspred/ adj. 广泛的;普遍的;遍布的(专升本词汇)

例句:There are reports of widespread flooding in northern France.

有报道说法国北部到处洪水泛滥。—— 《剑桥英语辞典》

The video showcases murals from the Weishan Tomb in Hunan province, featuring twelve anthropomorphic figures with animal heads and human bodies. These heads represent the monkey, pig, rooster, tiger, horse, goat, dog, cat, ox, dragon, rat, and rabbit.


3、province/ˈprɒv.ɪns/ n. 省(专升本词汇)

例句:The Guangxi province of China.

中国的广西壮族自治区。—— 《剑桥英语辞典》

4、 figure /ˈfɪɡ.ər/ n. 外形,轮廓;人影(专升本词汇)

例句:I could see two tall figures in the distance.

我可以看见远处两个高高的人影。—— 《剑桥英语辞典》

5、 represent /ˌrep.rɪˈzent/ v. 表示;象征;代表/表现;展现;描绘;描述(专升本词汇)

例句:To many people the Tiananmen Square represents the identity of the China.


He represents himself as an expert, but he knows nothing.

他自称是个专家,可是他一窍不通。—— 《剑桥英语辞典》

“十二生肖”壁画中的“猫”  图源网络



Observant netizens pointed out that, unlike the modern zodiac, this version replaces the snake with a cat. Some humorously commented, "Looks like the Year of the Cat is just around the corner!" and "Perhaps those born in the Year of the Snake were actually born in the Year of the Cat."

6、 observant /əbˈzɜː.vənt/ adj. 善于观察的;观察力敏锐的;机警的

例句:"That's a new dress, isn't it?" "Yes, you are observant!"

“那是件新衣服,是不是?”“没错,你真是好眼力!” —— 《剑桥英语辞典》

7、comment /ˈkɒm.ent/ v. 评论;议论;发表意见(专升本词汇)

例句:My mum always comments on what I'm wearing.

我妈妈总是对我的穿着指指点点。—— 《剑桥英语辞典》


A staff from Yuelu Academy said, "This appears to be an ancient version of the twelve zodiac animals, differing from the modern one. The specific details are still under research. The exact time period of the mural, as it may not yet have been determined."

8、differ /ˈdɪf.ər/ v. 与…不同,跟…不一样,有区别/意见不一致,有分歧*专升本重点词汇)

例句:His views differ considerably from those of his parents.


例句:I beg to differ with you on that point.

在那一点上恕我与你看法不同。—— 《剑桥英语辞典》

9、determine /dɪˈtɜː.mɪn/ v. 确定,决定;影响/下决心(专升本词汇)

例句:Your health is determined in part by what you eat.


She determined that one day she would be an actor.

她决心将来当演员。—— 《剑桥英语辞典》


The mural was discovered in 2006 in Xinhua, Hunan province. Subsequently, it was removed and transported to Yuelu Academy for preservation and further study. Currently, replicas of the murals are on display on the second floor of the Meseum of Chinese Academy at Yuelu Academy, Hunan University.


10、subsequent /ˈsʌb.sɪ.kwənt/ adj. 随后的,接着的(专升本词汇)

例句:The book discusses his illness and subsequent resignation from politics.

书中讲述了他患病及随后隐退政坛的事。—— 《剑桥英语辞典》

11、preservation /ˌprez.əˈveɪ.ʃən/ n. 维护;保藏,保养(专升本词汇preserve词性转换)

例句:The house is in a poor state of preservation.

这间房屋保养得很差。—— 《剑桥英语辞典》

12、display /dɪˈspleɪ/ n. 陈列品,展览品;陈列,展示,展览;表演(专升本词汇)

例句:Lets enjoy this fireworks display.

让我们一起欣赏这场焰火表演。—— 《剑桥英语辞典》

