Six decades ago, China and France forged diplomatic ties. Despite their differences and multiple challenges, Chinese and French people have shown mutual respect and worked together towards achieving many common goals. Over the past six decades, this dynamic relationship has witnessed numerous historic milestones and tangible accomplishments. China is now France's largest trading partner in Asia, while France ranks as China's third-largest trading partner and the third-largest source of investment in real terms within the European Union (EU).

1、forge /fɔːdʒ/ v. (尤指努力地)制造,生产
例句:She forged a new career for herself as a singer.
2、witness /ˌdɪp.ləˈmæt.ɪk/ adj. 外交的
例句:This is a sensible diplomatic solution.
3、witness /ˈwɪt.nəs/ v. 目击,看到(尤指事故或犯罪)(专升本词汇)
例句:Did anyone witness the attack?
4、milestone /ˈmaɪl.stəʊn/ n. 里程碑,里程标,转折点
例句:He felt that moving out of his parents' home was a real milestone in his life.
Former French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin believes that it is the love for peace that brings them together. As a cultural ferryman between China and France, he hopes more young people from both nations will venture to the "other side" and know each other better.
5、Prime Minister /praɪm ‘mɪn.ɪ.stər/ n. 首相
例句:Margaret Thatcher became Britain's first woman prime minister in 1979.
6、venture /ˈven.tʃər/ v. 冒险去(或做);冒昧地说
例句:She rarely ventured outside, except when she went to stock up on groceries.
她极少冒险外出,除非要去采购杂货。 ————《剑桥英语词典》
Lefevre Michele, an 18-year-old pre-college student at Fudan University, found that Chinese TV dramas, like Meteor Garden, have been well-received in France, particularly among many female French viewers. It was her love for these dramas that sparked her initial interest in Chinese culture, leading her to further her studies in China.
悠久的中国文化吸引着越来越多的法国青年。18岁的复旦大学预科生乐米仙(Lefevre Michele)曾在《少年会客厅》栏目中提到中国电视剧火到法国,其中《流星花园》就广受好评。正是对这些电视剧的喜爱激发了她对中国文化的兴趣,促使她来到中国深造学业。
7、drama /ˈdrɑː.mə/ n. 戏剧;舞台剧;表演,电视剧(专升本词汇)
例句:She's starred in several TV dramas.
8、initial /ɪˈnɪʃ.əl/ adj. 开始的,最初的(*专升本重点词汇)
例句:My initial surprise was soon replaced by delight.
Oceane Rivoire, now a student majoring in Chinese language and literature at Tongji University in Shanghai, found the homonyms in Chinese extremely interesting, such as the word "bat", which has the same pronunciation as the word "fortune", and "red dates and peanuts" are usually used to extend good wishes for the newlyweds to have a baby soon.
法国女孩安蕊(Oceane Rivoire)在上海同济大学主修中国语言文学。她觉得中文中的同音词非常有趣:“蝙蝠”的”蝠“代表幸福”的”福“,“红枣和花生”用来祝愿新婚夫妇早生贵子。
9、 major /ˈmeɪ.dʒər/ v.主修(专升本词汇)
例句:She majored in philosophy at Harvard.
10、literature /ˈlɪt.rə.tʃər/ n. 文学;(尤指有传世价值的)文学作品,文献
例句:It's important to keep up-to-date with the literature in your field.
11、homonym /ˈhɒm.ə.nɪm/ n. 同形(或同音)异义词
例句:"No" and "know" are homonyms.
no 和 know 是同音异义词。————《剑桥英语词典》
12、extend /ɪkˈstend/ v. 扩大;扩展;使增加长度,延长(*专升本重点词汇)
例句:We have plans to extend our house.