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【每日一文】双语:趣味百科:谁发明了咖啡? Who invented coffee?

【 发布日期:2024-05-09】【 点击数:12 】


  Each day, millions of people brew a cup of coffee in the morning to help get their day started. As with most things in history, from milk to vegetables, someone had to be the first to think of roasting beans for their caffeine kick. According to legend, it was a 9th-century Ethiopian goat-herder named Kaldi who may have done as much for the beverage as Starbucks.


1brew /bruː/ v.酿(啤酒),泡(茶);煮(咖啡);(茶)冲泡;(咖啡)煮

例句:He brewed us some coffee./He brewed some coffee for us.


2roast /rəʊst/ v. 烘;烤;焙(专升本词汇)

例句:Just roast the chicken in the oven and baste it in oil and lemon.

直接把鸡放在烤箱里烤,烤时涂上油和柠檬汁。 ————《剑桥英语词典》

3.goat-herder /ɡəʊt ˈhɜː.dər/ n. 牧羊人

例句:He is a goat-herder from Wales.


4、beverage /bev.ər.ɪdʒ/ n. 饮料

例句:Hot beverages include tea, coffee, and hot chocolate.


  Allegedly, Kaldi observed his goats behaving erratically after eating the red berries from a nearby Coffea arabica tree. He tried some of them himself and was soon acting as hyper as his herd. He then brought a batch to a monastery, where their stimulating effects during long hours of prayer were cause for concern. Coffee, the men observed, must be the devil’s work.


5、observe /əbˈzɜːv/ v. 观察;观测;监视(专升本词汇)

例句:Children learn by observing adults.


6、erratically /ɪˈræt.ɪ.kəl.i/ adv. (动作、行为等)不规则地,不确定地,无计划地

例句:In her study, books were arranged erratically on chairs, tables, and shelves.

在她的书房里,书不规则地摆放在椅子、桌子和书架上。 ————《剑桥英语词典》

7、herd /hɜːd/ n. 兽群,牧群;芸芸众生,人群(多用于贬义)

例句:There are a herd of cattle.


Poor Janine - she just follows the herd.


8、stimulate /ˈstɪm.jə.leɪt/ v. 激发,激励;促进,刺激,使兴奋;使感兴趣(专升本词汇)

例句:The government plans to cut taxes in order to stimulate the economy.


  The religious leaders there threw the tree’s beans onto a fire to destroy them—but the pleasing aroma that resulted convinced them to give coffee a second chance. Much like with tea, they put the roasted beans into warm water and coffee (the beverage) was born.


9、religious /rɪˈlɪdʒ.əs/ adj. 宗教的;宗教上的,笃信宗教的;虔诚的(专升本词汇)

例句:He's deeply religious and goes to church twice a week.


10、throw rəʊ/ v. ;抛;掷;扔(专升本词汇)

例句:My friend threw the ball back over the fence.


11、aroma /əˈrəʊ.mə/ n. (通常指食物、饮料的)香味,香气,芳香

例句:There is the aroma of freshly baked bread.


12、convince /kənˈvɪns/ v. 说服;使相信;使信服*专升本重点词汇)

例句:He managed to convince the jury of his innocence.


  Despite the legend, it’s thought that the practice of chewing coffee beans as a stimulant was around for centuries before Kaldi's alleged discovery. People would grind them to mix with butter and animal fat to preserve and eat on long journeys—basically, a precursor to the energy bar. Similarly, enslaved Sudanese peoples are thought to have chewed on coffee beans to help them survive their difficult voyages on trade routes.


13、dispite /dɪˈspaɪt/ prep. 不管;尽管;无论(专升本词汇)

例句:I still enjoyed the week despite the weather.


15、chew /tʃuː/ v. 咀嚼;嚼碎(专升本词汇)

例句:This meat is difficult to chew.


16、grind raɪnd/ v. 碾碎,磨碎,把…磨成粉 (专升本词汇ground的原形

例句:Shall I grind a little black pepper over your salad?


17、preserve /prɪˈzɜːv/ adv. 保护,维护;保留;保养;对…进行保鲜处理;贮存(专升本词汇)

例句:Our duty is to preserve world peace.


18、precursor /ˌpriːˈkɜː.sər/ n. 先驱,先锋;先兆,前兆

例句:Biological research has often been a precursor to medical breakthroughs.


19. survive /səˈvaɪv/ v. 继续生存,存活;(尤指)幸存(专升本词汇)

例句:These plants cannot survive in very cold conditions.


20、voyage /ˈvɔɪ.ɪdʒ/ n. 航海;航行,旅行(专升本词汇)

例句:He was a young sailor on his first sea voyage.


21、route /ruːt/ n. 路线;路途;航线(专升本词汇)

例句:The route we had planned took us right across Greece.


  The story of Kaldi is difficult to pin down. What we do know is that true historical accounts of coffee consumption didn't materialize until much later, when devout Sufi in Yemen were said to use the drink to remain vigilant during religious rituals.


22、consumption /kənˈsʌmp.ʃən/ n. 消费量;消耗量(专升本词汇consume的名词形式

例句:As a nation, our consumption of junk food is horrifying.


23、materialize /məˈtɪə.ri.ə.laɪz/ v. 实现,物化,实体化,突然出现(专升本词汇material的动词形式

例句:She was promised a promotion but it never materialized.


  The cultivation and trade of the beans for the drink began in Arabic countries in the 14th century and spread throughout Egypt, Syria, and Turkey. It’s said not a single coffee plant existed outside of Arabia or Africa until the 1600s, when a pilgrim named Baba Budan brought them back to India. In 1616, Pieter van der Broeck smuggled some coffee out of Mocha, Yemen, and brought it back to Amsterdam. Soon, the Dutch and their colonies—most notably Sri Lanka and Java—took over the European trade, followed by the French in the Caribbean, the Spanish in Central America, and the Portuguese in Brazil. The drink eventually made its way to America via British colonizers who docked in New York City.


24、throughout /θruːˈaʊt/ prep./adv. 在各处;自始至终(专升本词汇)

例句:People throughout the country are out of work.


25、take over /teɪk ˈəʊ.vər/ phrasal verb. 接任;接管,接手

例句:He took over from the previous headmaster in February.


26、trade /treɪd/ n. 贸易;交易;买卖 (专升本词汇)

例句:The country's trade in manufactured goods has expanded in the last ten years.


v. (尤指国与国之间)从事(…)贸易,进行(…)交易;交换;改换,更换

The company has been trading in oil for many years.


27、eventually /ɪˈven.tʃu.ə.li/ adv. 最终,终于(专升本词汇)

例句:It might take him ages but he'll do it eventually.


28、via /ˈvaɪə/ prep. 经由;通过(专升本词汇)

例句:The London-Addis flight goes via Rome.


  Today, the average American spends about $2000 a year on coffee. And while Kaldi may not be a household name like Folgers, he still gets his due. The St. Louis-based Kaldi’s Coffee takes its name from the most energetic goat herder in history.


29、average /ˈæv.ər.ɪdʒ/ n. 平均数;平均(专升本词汇)

例句:Prices have risen by an average of four percent over the past year.


30、household /ˈhaʊs.həʊld/ n. 一家人,一户,家庭(专升本词汇)

例句:By the 1960s, most households had a TV.


