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【每日一文】双语:世界卫生组织:全球六分之一青少年遭受网络欺凌 Cyberbullying: One in six teenagers report harassment online

【 发布日期:2024-04-29】【 点击数:9 】


  Nearly one in six adolescents have experienced cyberbullying, an international study has found.


1、international /ɪn.təˈʃ.ən.əl/ adj.国际的 (专升本词汇)

例句:He is an international student.


  More school-aged children have reported being cyberbullied than before the pandemic, according to the report by the World Health Organization (WHO). The study surveyed more than 279,000 young people from 44 countries and regions. In Wales, where nearly 37,000 young people were surveyed, 17% reported experiencing cyberbullying.


2、survey /ˈsɜː.veɪ/ n. 调查;(对某一专题的)概述,全面评述;(土地)测量,勘测,测绘(专升本词汇)

例句:A recent survey found/revealed/showed that 58 percent of people did not know where their heart is.


3、region /ˈriː.dʒən/ n. 区域,地区;(国家的)行政区(专升本词汇)

例句:Guangxi is one of China's autonomous regions.


  The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey suggests the proportion of adolescents who reported being cyberbullied has increased since 2018, from 12% to 15% for boys and 13% to 16% for girls.


4、proportion /prəˈpɔː.ʃən/ n.比率,比例

例句:The head is out of proportion with the body.


5、adolescent /ˌæd.əˈles.ənt/ n.青少年

例句:Young adolescents are happiest with small groups of close friends.


6、increase /ɪnˈkriːs/ v. 增大;增加;增强(专升本词汇)

例句:The cost of the project has increased dramatically/significantly since it began.


  In England, where more than 4,200 young people were surveyed, nearly one in five (19%) reported being cyberbullied at least once or twice in the past couple of months, and 11% reported cyberbullying others. In Scotland, where more than 4,300 young people were surveyed, 18% said they had experienced cyberbullying and 11% reported cyberbullying others. The report said there was an "urgent need" to educate young people, families and schools of the forms of cyberbullying and its implications.


·7、couple /ˈkʌp.əl/ n. (相似或相同事物的)一对,一双,几个;(有某种联系之人的)一对,几个(专升本词汇)

例句:We'll have to wait another couple of hours for the paint to dry.


8、urgent /ˈɜː.dʒənt/ adj. 紧急的,急迫的(专升本词汇)

例句:He's got to sign that paper - will you tell him it's urgent?

他务必要签署那份文件——请你告诉他这很紧急,好吗? ——《剑桥英语词典》

9、implication /ɪm.plɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ n. 可能的影响(或作用、结果)*专升本重点词汇imply的名词词性)

例句:They failed to consider the wider implications of their actions.


  Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO regional director for Europe, said: "Focusing on virtual types of peer violence is now an urgent priority to safeguard the health and wellbeing of populations of adolescents and young people, and cyberbullying must be viewed as a major issue for societies. "With young people spending up to six hours online every single day, even small changes in the rates of bullying and violence can have profound implications for the health and wellbeing of thousands. This is both a health and a human rights issue, and we must step up to protect our children from violence and harm, both offline and online."

  世界卫生组织欧洲区负责人汉斯·亨利·P·克鲁格博士表示:“为了保护年轻人群体的身心健康,现在迫切需要关注同龄人之间的网络暴力行为,网络欺凌必须被视为重要的社会问题。” “现在年轻人每天上网时间可多达6小时,网络欺凌和暴力发生率的微小变化都可能对数万名年轻人的身心健康产生深远影响。这既是健康问题,也是人权问题。我们必须站出来保护我们的孩子们免于遭受暴力和伤害,无论是线上还是线下。

10、virtual /ˈvɜː.tʃu.əl/ adj. 几乎…的;实质上的(专升本词汇)

例句:The company has a virtual monopoly in this area of trade.


11、peer /pɪər/ n.同龄人;同辈;同等社会地位(或能力)的人

例句:His engaging personality made him popular with his peers.


12、violence /ˈvaɪə.ləns/ 暴力行为;激烈的言辞(专升本词汇)

例句:The recent outbreak/eruption of racial violence in the area is very troubling.


13、safeguard /ˈseɪf.ɡɑːd/ v.保护,保卫;捍卫,维护

例句:We must take action to safeguard national security.


14、wellbeing /ˌwelˈbiː.ɪŋ/ n. 幸福,安康

例句:His well-being is all I am concerned about.


15、rate /reɪt/  n. 率,比率;速率;速度;进度(专升本词汇)

例句:I told my assistants to work at their own rate.


